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Posts Tagged ‘website promotion

This post is a follow up on the previous one, which was on promoting your website/blog. There are many ways you can increase the traffic to your site. Here’s a round-up on some of them:

1. Use the HTML Meta tags – specify appropriate keywords that relate to your site or blog in the meta tags. Search engines look at these when looking for results. Also, use the header tags (H1, H2 etc.) more often.

2. Use keywords in your hyperlinks, e.g. instead of saying “click here to see that page“, say “on the article on website promotion…” And on your HTML pages, do NOT use frames. Most search engines do not crawl the content within frames for the information they are looking for.

3. Submit your website/blog to the main search engines: Google, Yahoo and Live. With this done, you have to wait patiently because it takes a while but eventually it does work out well.

4. Comment on related blogs. Increase your popularity on the blogosphere or on the web by writing on other related blogs or websites. Express your views and opinions by adding comments under posts and articles on other blogs. While you’re adding a comment, you might as well provide a link to your blog too.

5. Publish a newsletter – You don’t have to sell all of them but readers like to get free information in their mailbox. Write a newsletter with very good content and popularize your product/website or blog. Give good recommendations and make it interesting to keep your readers hooked.

6. Use online forums and message boards – post messages in a forum or like no 4. above, say something to add into the discussion and let your online presense be known. Use message boards too and don’t forget to add a link to your website or blog while you’re at it.

7. Broadcast yourself on YouTube and advertise your blog on Facebook – These two websites have millions of users whom you can reach to. Its a great way of telling the world about yourself, your products, your blog etc.

8. Advertise yourself in pay-per-click search engines like Google Adwords. The good thing about using method is that you only pay for the traffic you receive.

Hope this list helps you in building traffic…more tips coming soon!!

– Millie

I got a couple of really good websites that will promote your website/blog for free…and send you traffic too. I’ve used these sites and have got really good results with all. I’ll be posting an intensive article on website promotion and traffic, but for now I’ll just mention a couple of sites:

1. www.alphainventions.com – This site is cool, takes a few minutes to load – just enter in your website or blog URL, specify your category – eg. Technology, and then click on Validate. Once your site has been validated, it takes just 2 steps for you to send traffic on to your site…Its one of the best sites and its very easy-to-use!! try it today!

2. www.condron.us – This website allows you to add your website or blog onto their rotating list as well, you’ll get loads of traffic from here! Once the site loads, click on add your blog from the top right section of the page, then a popup window appears where you provide your email address, blog URL and specify the category of your blog. That’s it….click on submit and you’re done! check it out…

There’s going to be a long post soon on how to increase traffic on your blog, sometime next week…so watch out for it! and oh yeah – please feel free to contribute to my traffic-increasing blog post, tell me of sites which can help increase traffic and I’ll include it in my post – and in the process promote yours too!

– Millie

Me – The author of this blog!

This is my tech blog. I got another blog, full of jokes that will crack u up! http://humoraddict.blogspot.com

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